Thursday, February 23, 2012


So if you do Instagram, you have heard of these photo challenges. Basically, you take a photo a day based on a list that has a different subject/word that the photo should represent. So I am about 5 days behind and I decided to pick up on day 20, and day 20 is handwriting. I LOVE handwriting and I thought I would share mine and the reasons why I LOVE handwriting, (sounds a little dorky, I know just hang in there with me).

So I began to hunt for something that had my handwriting, post it notes (all over my house), grocery lists, to do lists and then my journal. Then I thought, " my journal?, that's a little personal ". And then I heard exactly! Personal. Handwriting is so personal. I have a box of letters that my husband wrote me while he was in boot camp 15 years ago, I have letters from my grandmother that just recently passed away, I have journals that I wrote from high school to now, cards from friends, etc. See, the thing is, is that our handwriting is unique, there is no other like it. Our handwriting changes as our moods change. Our handwriting says so much about us. Why do you think they have people that study that for a living?

I then opened my journal and began to read and I could tell just by glancing at my writing what kind of day I was having without actually reading the entry. I thought about how it takes time to hand write something, I thought about how free I feel when I can just pick up a pen and go for it in my journal at a moments notice. I don't have to log in on my computer and wait only to find out I forgot what I was going to write, ha! Handwriting is becoming a thing of the past with all of our technology. As I stopped to read an entry in my journal I was brought back to the moment I wrote it...
So write away my friends....


  1. This reminded me that I do have a gift of writing and that once upon a time, I loved to write. I wrote in a journal everyday, wrote for the school newspaper and even won some awards for writing in school. I remember one of my dreams used to be to write greeting cards. :) I need to start writing again. :)

    1. Hal, that is so awesome, I would love to read your very first post, just send me a link. Also, thanks for your comment!

  2. My blog entries usually start from something I have written in my journal.

  3. Handwriting is so unique. When I taught school my students would often forget to put their names on their papers but I could usually pick them out from their handwriting. One more thing that shows how amazing our creator is.. smallest things us apart from each other.
